Saturday, November 13, 2010

Reading Together Charles M. Sheldon's Classic

This very hectic semester has been given a little bit of stability through our reading together of favorite books and stories.  We read Irving's "Legend of Sleepy Hollow" as we do every year.  We are getting ready to take out our Dickens pretty soon as the Christmas season approaches.  A couple of times, the boys and I hiave started Sheldon's In His Steps.  I have had a strong sense that we need to pull this beloved title out again, this time including Ima Virginia.  Perhaps the Lord wishes to speak to us throught this meaningful work of fiction--I am looking forward to seeing what He has for us to learn.


  1. LOVE that last book especially. It does make you think and convicts, too. Lately, I have been feeling like Rip Van Winkle though. Have you read about him? Sleepy Hollow is great, too.

  2. Yes, Miss Lynda, We have read that great short story together. We would lovet oactually see that part of New York.
