Wednesday, April 4, 2012


In previous posts, I have written about reading choices.  This is such an important issue for any family, homeschooling or otherwise.  A recent series of books has captured the attention of the young people--unlike some of the other series, this one has been embraced by the homeschooling community. I have heard that the public schools in our community are requiring reading the book. Many of Virginia's homeschool friends have been caught up in the series, and she asked if she could buy it with some of her own money. I foolishly allowed her to get it without reading about the book or the book itself. One night she came in to tell me about the book. I was floored. The whole premise is violent and disturbing. I asked her if she would please give me the book. I promised to let her pick out something else at Barnes and Noble or something for her Kindle.  Since then, we seem to have been inundated by this book series. One of her new friends, another homeschooled young lady from a lovely family, had a birthday party with this book series as the theme. Unbelievable. I think there is a major part of Virginia that wants to read the books to be part of this group, and I understand that. Our decisions about their activities, tv and reading choices are not to make a statement or to make a big deal out of being "different."  But the Lord has placed us in earthly charge of their hearts and minds.

Virginia has decided that the Anne of Green Gables books are at the top of her list.  We went to a used book store last night and she found some Lucy Maud Montgomery's other series books and some other Avonlea story collections. The Anne books have their share of sadness and tragedy, but the stories are uplifiting.  I think that Lucy Maud Montgomery had a great deal of sadness in her life, but her heroines overcame life's trials and maintained a love for living. I am so pleased that Virginia has fallen in love with Anne--this literary figure is an inspiration and delight.

Life has harshness, tragedy, and sadness. The news is filled with terrible stories of violence and unspeakable worldliness presented as everyday behavior. I can't shield the children from all of that. Our 17 year old
went on two trips this past summer in which he spent time with people with very different upbringings and values.  But he has reached the age of knowing what is good and acceptable in the eyes of God and what is not.  I see that discernment  growing in Virginia. Both of her brothers have values we are grateful for and which honor God. Our task is to teach them the values in God's Holy Word and hope and pray that they turn to those values as their moral compass.